Monday, 2 May 2011

Spring Collection Preview

Getting ready to release some of my patterns for the new season, some things have taken longer than I thought, while others are ready to go, so I thought it would only be fair to start releasing those patterns that are ready go into the world!

I have just released Lady of the Blue Forest for individual sale. Later this Spring, it will also be part of new pattern collection, featuring the patterns below. Keep an eye on my blog and my Ravelry designer page, and I'll let you know when each pattern is available, plus when the collection finally makes its fashionably late appearance!

Lady of the Blue Forest

From this Day Forward

Shells and Sea Glass Beret

Summer's Day

Wind and Willow

And finally...

The collection will be available as a Ravelry download for 12 GBP (price subject to change). In the meantime, keep track of the individual patterns are they're released on my Ravelry group!